Our I-PR Initiatives and Promotions
Telling Black Stories in Celebration of Black History Month
According to the Economic Policy Institute, “The disparate racial impact of the virus is deeply rooted in historic and ongoing social and economic injustices. Persistent racial disparities in health status, access to health care, wealth, employment, wages, housing, income, and poverty all contribute to greater susceptibility to the virus—both economically and physically.”
As a result, I-PR is celebrating Black History Month during these times by helping to share more business stories for people of color. Take advantage of retainer and a la carte services by using the promo code MyBHMstory2022. Receive 15% off.
For questions about this promotion, please email Bobby at assistant@independentlypr.com.
Learn more about Black-owned businesses affected by the pandemic.
Holiday Giveback Initiative
Apply between Dec 29 - Jan 5
Deadline extended to Jan 15
With many of our clients in the hospitality industry, we know what it's like to have business deeply impacted due to the coronavirus. We stand with the hospitality industry and we've been fortunate to have loyal customers and partners. This season, we are grateful and we want to do the same for you.
So as part of Our Holiday Giveback Initiative, for the first time ever, we are offering 50% off our full-service retainers and opportunities that include additional discounts on even more services.
Eligibility For Our Holiday Giveback Initiative
- Must have at least 1 year of business activity in the hospitality industry
- Must have proof of the business entity (LLC, sole proprietorship, S-Corp, etc)
- Must be able to explain how the coronavirus has deeply impacted business
- Must not currently be represented by a public relations agency
- Must commit to 3-month term commitment
- Must submit an application by the deadline
If you meet these requirements, you may be eligible to take advantage of our 2021 offerings. If you think you may be eligible and want to apply, complete this form by the deadline.We know 2020 has been tough, but we want to help you continue on your journey to becoming. Please do not hesitate to email hello@independentlypr.com for questions about this program.Add paragraph text here.

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